Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Good News, Finally!

Carrie had a full body PET scan yesterday to determine if the cancer has spread. The doctor called this morning and reported it has not spread! Though we're not out of the woods, this news brought much needed relief to our household today.

Carrie has an MRI tomorrow and begins chemo on Friday. I will keep updates coming as I get them. Thank you all so much for your continual support. We feel the love.


SRC said...

Great news! Much Love!!

JenP said...

Awesome news! Love you guys.

Unknown said...

AWESOME! Sending lots of Love from the Frozen Tundra...

MichelleMarie said...

So glad to hear this good news. You have all our love and support with the fight ahead.

Courtney said...

So happy to hear the good news. We'll be sending lots of good healing thoughts as you and your family go through this difficult situation. I know Trav already told you but we really are more than happy to help in any way you need-watching kids, making meals, grocery shopping, anything.