Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Scans and an update

It's been a while since my last post.  Since then, I have completed whole brain radiation (completed in September).  I had a follow up scan in the beginning of November.  The five tumors have significantly shrunk; my neurooncologist remarked this was a beautiful response.  Good!

I started taking cannabis right after I was diagnosed.  At first I took basically CBD oil, but was informed that I needed to consume THC to kill the cancer.  So I changed my regimen, but I ended up puking for about a month.  I'm still monkeying around with the CBD/THC ratio with the hopes that I can ramp up my cannabis dosage and cut out all the nausea and vomiting.

Most days I feel pretty good...if I'm not puking that is :)  My head is pretty screwey sometimes too.  The doctors gave me a shot and pills to turn off my ovaries (just in case the cancer is fed by hormones).  I feel like I'm either hot or freezing all of the time.  Of course that is not helped by the fact that I'm bald.  The radiologist said I have a 50/50 chance of my hair coming back.  Yay.

I will see my oncologist next month, and have a scan scheduled for the new year.  Crossing fingers the tumors will be gone.  And they stay gone (this is a primary challenge for triple negative brain mets).  Fuck I wish this would just go away.  Living in the shadow of this disease SUCKS!!!

All for now
