Saturday, March 23, 2013

Genetics and chemo progress

I recently got blood work back that I do not have the BRCA genes (the genes that can cause breast and ovarian cancer mutations).  SO YAY! YAY! YAY!  That means Astrid and June don't have the genes; it means my mom doesn't have the gene, and maybe it means I don't need to get a double mastectomy.

I had chemo a week ago Friday.  The oncologist examined me and told me that the cancerous lymph node in my armpit had significantly shrunk.  That's very good news--it means the cancer is responding favorably to the chemo.  [In treating this variety of cancer, sometimes the chemo meds don't quite work and the regimen must be adjusted]

Once I got the first anti-nausea drug via, I felt sick.  Then they force fed me ice chips to help reduce mouth sores.  Bleh.  I don't even want to think about it...bleh.  I spend the rest of the weekend in a haze, and and slowly coming out of my fog.  I'm feeling okay sometimes, and then sometimes I feel rotten.  I go for at least a 2 mile walk every day.  My dog Penelope is stoked.

Breck shaved my head.  My hair is really falling out.  I've got a couple of wigs, but they are hot and itchy.  Hats are much better.  After always have super thick hair, it feels strange to have water blast directly on my head in the shower.

My blood work also came back from my naturopath oncologist.  I have high cholesterol,  low vitamin D (a risk factor for breast cancer) and high inflammatory markers.  I am surprised by this actually.  I never really eat red meat; I'm not a couch potato; I eat a lot of vegetables and whole grains....But then again, I shouldn't have breast cancer either.

I am feeling positive that working with the naturopath will produce positive results.       I also encourage all of you readers to get a check up with some routine blood work--cholesterol, etc.  You never know what may turn up!  And it's easier to address it on the preventative end.

The kids are great; West sleeps like a champ.  Breck is super super super helpful.  So, that's it for now.



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