Not much to report really. Things are pretty good! I'm 8 treatments into radiation. Zzzzzt ZAP! I go every week day until the end of September. It's a total pain because I have to drive to the hospital on Capitol Hill (from work in Ballard) but I shouldn't complain. Man, when I'm done with radiation I'll have been to the hospital about 50 times this year! I'm continuing to recover from surgery and my range of motion is better. My body is sore most of the time, purportedly leftovers from the Taxol chemo. Blah blah blah.
Many thanks to Rachel Coburn and the rest of Team Booya (Carrie's Ta Ta's) for participating in the Alki breast cancer walk last weekend. It was very nice to see you all, and I feel very loved and supported.
Baby West is eight months old today. Wow. He's crawling all over the place, gets into everything, and loves to walk if you hold his hands. We're in for it! (in the picture, he's trying to figure out how to wiggle out of Breck's arms and take a swim).
Booya! |